Well, Sarah, here's the problem. I know how smart you.. Clip audio

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Well, Sarah, here's the problem. I know how smart you..

Well, Sarah, here's the problem. I know how smart you.. - Clip audio

Well, Sarah, here's the problem. I know how smart you.. - Clip audio Well, Sarah, here's the problem. I know how smart you..' il clip audio è realizzato da Roblaster. ' terminator2 ', ' judgement day ', ' judgment daymovie ', ' science fiction movie ', ' scifi ', ' skynet ', ' john connor ', ' terminator ', ' t1000 ', ' t800 ', ' sarah connor ', ' kyle reese ', ' janelle voight ', ' silberman ', ' danny dyson ', ' todd voight ', ' arnold schwarzenegger ', ' arnold schwarzeneggermovie ', ' schwarzenegger ', ' edward furlong ', ' linda hamilton ', ' terminator2judgementdayx42jc3x q ', ' x42jc3x q ', ' well ', ' sarah ', ' heres ', ' the ', ' problem ', ' i ', ' know ', ' how ', ' smart ', ' you ', ' are ', ' think ', ' youre ', ' just ', ' telling ', ' me ', ' what ', ' want ', ' to ', ' hear ', ' dont ', ' really ', ' believe ', ' today ', ' movies ', . . 8 volte ed è piaciuto 0 volte. Well, Sarah, here's the problem. I know how smart you.. è stato creato il clip audio su Jul 29, 2022

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