We're 10 miles from the nearest town. There's no.. Soundclip

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We're 10 miles from the nearest town. There's no..

We're 10 miles from the nearest town. There's no.. - Soundclip

We're 10 miles from the nearest town. There's no.. - Soundclip Der 'We're 10 miles from the nearest town. There's no..' Soundclip wurde von Roblaster erstellt. Dieser Soundclip enthält Tags: ' kellysheroes ', ' private kelly ', ' kelly ', ' infantry ', ' big joe ', ' little joe ', ' crapgame ', ' sergeant crapgame ', ' cold ', ' dankhopf ', ' oddball ', ' sergeant oddball ', ' heroes ', ' classic ', ' war ', ' warmovie ', ' ww2 ', ' world war2 ', ' u sarmy ', ' clint eastwood ', ' clint eastwoodmovie ', ' telly savalas ', ' don rickles ', ' kellysheroesx42jc3x q ', ' x42jc3x q ', ' were ', ' 10 ', ' miles ', ' from ', ' the ', ' nearest ', ' town ', ' theres ', ' no ', ' action ', ' movies ', . . Dieser Audioclip wurde 24 Mal abgespielt und 0 Mal gelikt. Der We're 10 miles from the nearest town. There's no.. Soundclip wurde am Jul 13, 2022 erstellt.

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