Don't use the word smart - Donald Trump Lydklip

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Don't use the word smart - Donald Trump

Don't use the word smart - Donald Trump - Lydklip

Don't use the word smart - Donald Trump - Lydklip Don't use the word smart - Donald Trump' lydklip er lavet af 223344. ' presidential ', ' presidency ', ' debate ', ' 2020 ', ' biden ', ' trump ', ' funny ', ' politics ', ' interesting ', ' responses ', ' government ', ' federal ', ' quote ', ' sound ', ' interview ', ' comment ', ' representative ', ' parliamentary ', ' electives ', ' elections ', ' usa ', ' united ', ' states ', ' of ', ' america ', ' debating ', ' discussing ', ' arguments ', ' talk ', ' clip ', ' effect ', ' sfx ', ' donald trump ', ' first ', ' you ', ' graduate ', ' either ', ' the ', ' lowest ', ' or ', ' almost ', ' dont ', ' use ', ' word ', ' smart ', ' with ', ' me ', . . 2087 gange og er blevet like 5 gange. Don't use the word smart - Donald Trump lydklip er blevet oprettet på Jan 17, 2021

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